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Bayhfurcated optimist

How do you survive as a not-quite conservative in a conservative state? You try to have it both ways so that you get headlines written about you that say, "Bayh cautiously praises stimulus bill":

"This is not perfect," he said. "I wanted more tax cuts and less spending.

What do you know? Me, too!

. . .he is a little uneasy at the price tag funded by borrowed dollars.

"In the long run, these deficits are damaging ... and they bother me," said Bayh.

Why, they bother me, too!

Tax benefits, he said, will have a far-reaching effect for middle class families paying for college, buying a new car or a new home.

Wow. I don't need a new home, a new car or help paying for college right now, but I have been thinking that my middle-class family -- the two cats and me -- could really use some more tax benefits. How about that? It turns out that I must be "cautiously for" the stimulus package, too. Especially when I hear this, which you know I take as gospel: ""This is not perfect," he said . . . But this will provide 75,000 jobs in Indiana." That's about 1.2 percent of the population, for those who forgot.


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