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Farmers markert

What, nobody hangs out at the feed section of the hardware store to hook up anymore?

MARTINSVILLE, Ind. -- Love can be hard to find for small-town folks, but a Web site is helping change that.


FarmersOnly.com is geared specifically to those who love the rural lifestyle and are searching for someone who shares their culture and beliefs.

[. . .]

Three years after it launched, the Web site is booming. It started with just 2,000 members and has more than 100,000 now. Miller said more than 75 couples have gotten married thanks to the site.


Despite the name, Miller said the site is not just for farmers, but is for anyone who enjoys a laid-back, country lifestyle and rural values.

Nobody wants to leave things to chance anymore, just let things happen and discover what other people are like. There are specialized dating sites for Orthodox Jews, Buddhist cat lovers, diabetic Army retirees. golfers seeking golfers and -- well, take your pick. Don


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