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Undocumented aliens welcome

Hope you weren't planning on E.T. landing anywhere around here, because it is Denver that has the welcome mat out:

Reporting from Denver and Las Vegas -

Forget sky-high unemployment and those two wars overseas. Jeff Peckman has more earthly concerns:

For one thing, if extraterrestrials were to descend on Denver, what's the best way to welcome them?

Thanks to Peckman's tireless efforts and taste for the limelight, Denver voters will be asked in 2010 to boldly approve what no electorate has approved before: an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission.

This week, Denver officials announced that Peckman had gathered about 4,000 valid signatures needed to place the issue before the 350,000 registered voters of the Colorado state capital.

If approved, the city panel would promote "harmonious, peaceful, mutually respectful and beneficial coexistence" between earthlings and extraterrestrials, in part by developing protocols for "diplomatic contact."

I doubt if Mr. Peckman has seen "Independence Day," but he admits to having seen a UFO once -- on the day Michael Jackson died.


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