Having solved all other problems, Indiana University now devotes some of those research dollars to . . . office gossip. Researchers observed meetings and even taped 13 of them and came to this startling conclusion:
"Be aware that what is going on is a form of politics and it's a form of politics that can be a weapon to undermine people who aren't present. But it also can be a gift. If people are talking positively it can be a way to enhance someone's reputation."
Let's see if I get this. If bad things are said about people who aren't there, it can hurt them. But if good things are said about them, it can help them. Well, at least we have a fighting chance if we don't go to the meetings.
Oh, wait: Gossip was classified either as in a formal setting or an informal setting, and both "were almost always negative." Good thing they cleared that up, huh? Guess we'd better not miss any more meetings.