Is America in decline? Depends:
The question of whether America is in decline cannot be answered yes or no. There is no yes or no. Both answers are wrong, because the assumption that somehow there exists some predetermined inevitable trajectory, the result of uncontrollable external forces, is wrong. Nothing is inevitable. Nothing is written. For America today, decline is not a condition. Decline is a choice. Two decades into the unipolar world that came about with the fall of the Soviet Union, America is in the position of deciding whether to abdicate or retain its dominance. Decline -- or continued ascendancy -- is in our hands.
Those in power today, starting with the president, pretty clearly are embarrassed by America's power, at times even ashamed of it, and seem determined to steer us toward some kind of fantasy world in which all states are moral equals. Considering the condition the world is in, I'd feel safer if the United States stayed the world's sole superpower.