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Go for it all, 19-0

Just because the Indianapolis Colts have "clinched everything that needs to be clinched," that doesn't mean people have stopped having fun talking about them. The great philosophical debate right now is whether the Colts should rest their stars for the last three meaningless games of the season, with their eyes firmly on the Super Bowl, or try as hard as they can to win the last three games and make history. And they wouldn't just be tying the '72 Dolphins, as this San Diego columnist points out. When the Dolphins went undefeated, the season was 14 games long, so they had a 17-0 record. The season is now 16 games long, so the Colts have a chance for a first-ever 19-0 record. I'm going to be like the rabid fan in the stands who boos when its 4th and inches, and the field-goal unit comes out: GO FOR IT! Not just because of the 19-0 chance. If you do anything less than trying to win every game, you don't deserve the top prize.

Posted in: Sports


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