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Meat a real man

A Hoosier college student pretends to be worried about his masculinity,

I'll be honest. I'm insecure about being a vegetarian.

As a man, I want to be known as a strong warrior, and if I can't pull that off at 5 feet 5 inches and 135 pounds, at least as "that short, scrappy kid who punched Big Jo really hard last week." It's hard to maintain that image as a vegetarian. My garbanzo beans, green pepper and Boca burger dinners do not evoke images of Mel Gibson in "Braveheart."

so he can ease into his real agenda, which is to make the rest of us feel guilty because we haven't made the same lifestyle choice he has:

Not surprisingly, meat consumption has an impact on our greatest unintended consequence: climate change.

[. . .]

That's right, the livestock industry emits more than the world's cars, planes and all other forms of transport combined.

A nanny and a bully, too. Now, there's a real man.


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