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It's a gas, gas, gas

Hey, don't leave all that food on the plate. Don't you know there are starving people in India?

Well, screw them. We have a better use for the scraps here:


Purdue University students who pile too much food on their trays at Purdue's dining courts are helping the city of West Lafayette generate extra power.

Each week, about five tons of food scraps are being ground up and trucked to the city's sewage treatment plant, where it's turned into methane in a special digesting chamber.

This seems to be modeled on the program pioneered in the Bay Area. There, leftovers are collected from 2,300 restaurants and grocery stores, and they hope to eventually sell five megawatts a year to the grid. This sounds a little more appealing than the chicken-poop method of producing methane; at least it's what I would rather use in my flux capacitor.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Science


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