I suspect some of my neighbors are among the 1,100 signers of this petition. I can't agree with them:
Some Waynedale residents are making sure that their voices are heard before a decision is made to close their post office on Old Trail Road.
The branch is on a list of 413 offices to be closed. Waynedale resident Billie Rykard collected nearly 1100 signatures from people who oppose the closings.
Rykard says many residents who use the facility are seniors and walk to the branch.
[. . .]
It would disrupt many peoples lives if we had to go downtown."
I don't know how many people would really have to go downtown. There's a branch close by on Bluffton Road. It doesn't have window service now, but closing one of two branches so close together and instituting window service at the remaining one would seem to save the post office money. I'm not sure how many senior citizens there are who actually walk to the Waynedale branch, either.
This is one of those cases, as with the BMV branches, where we all know they need to cut spending and we also know a lot of money is wasted, but, hey, take away somebody else's service, NOT MINE. We should also be willing to support the elimination of Sunday service or, hell, even going to four days service. How many people still have stuff coming through the mail that they absolutely have to have right now?