Please, please, please, use these coupons to save money at our store, but just come here and shop real soon, OK? Oh, wait. Everybody's using the coupons, and we're losing money. Put that coupon back in your pocket and get the heck out of here!
Sears has joined a growing list of companies forced to pull online coupon offers early due to a surge in popularity.
The $10 off coupon for junior's apparel was supposed to be valid until Nov. 14, but, in a statement to Call 6's Rafael Sanchez, the company said it would no longer honor the discount.
Sears did not explain its decision, but did apologize to customers.
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The coupon controversy comes after other area businesses, like Marsh Supermarkets, have had similar incidents where coupons were distributed more widely than intended.
These are tough times for you average, middle-of-the-road retailer. The discount places like Kmart and Wal-mart seem able to tough it out, and there'll probably always be a niche for specialty places like International House of Candles or Moe's Guns 'n' Stuff. But what function do places like Sears and JC Penney still serve? They don't carry items that are particularly distinctinve. It's just stuff, same as the stuff you can get anyplace else. The only reason to go to an actual store instead of getting something online is that you want it right now, today, and most of us will go where the cheapest price is. Better keep those coupons coming, guys.