Car deals and the United States government? Nothing in that combination to instill a lack of trust, huh?
This much seems certain about the Cash for Clunkers program: Consumers are happy to take government rebates to buy new cars.
The fate of the $1 billion trade-in program was up in the air over concerns that it may have already burned through its funds less than a week after it was officially launched.
It was unclear whether car buyers would be able Friday to trade in clunkers.
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As of Wednesday afternoon, nearly 30,000 Clunker transactions had already been submitted to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the agency said, with requests totaling almost $96 million in disbursements.
Federal stimulus package: $787 billion.
Obama health care proposal: $1 trillion
Damage to American economy from cap-and-trade: incalcuable.
News that $1 billion clunker program may be suspended after $96 million because the government "may run out of money" for it: priceless.