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Don't rub me the wrong way

You probably thought the General Assembly just wasted its time this year on trivialities such as the budget and public education. But our lawmakers took up a really serious lack in the law and did something about it:

There was a time when you didn't know what to expect when pulling up to a building with a "Massage" sign in the window.

Was there a legitimate massage therapist behind the door? Or was the sign in the window nothing more than a front for prostitution?

[. . .]

But with a new law that took effect July 1, Indiana takes a significant step toward making it more difficult for prostitutes to hide behind the massage label.

The law requires massage therapists to be certified with the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency.

Only those massage businesses licensed by the state can call themselves massage therapists.

And if the sign says "massage therapist," people should be reassured that the person providing treatment has 500 hours of training and has passed an exam to receive the certification.

Thank heavens. If I decide to hire a therapist, I am guaranteed that my precious back is being rubbed by someone with 500 hours of training and the ability to pass an exam. How well the state looks after me! But what if I want a massage from a prostitute? Then I have no protection at all.


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