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Pervert of the week

It's one thing to realize there are still perverts out there dumb enough to get caught soliciting by Internet sting operations after all the publicity they've gotten, but there are cops who don't get it?

DEARBORN COUNTY, Ind. - Trouble for the former Indiana police officer charged last week with child solicitation deepened Monday when authorities tacked on four more charges against the 52-year-old upon learning he solicited a second undercover officer posing online as a 13-year-old girl.

Ohio authorities operating the sting operation nabbed former Aurora police officer Dennis Lewis for allegedly having "inappropriate Internet chat conversations" with an officer four times, as recently as four days before his April 8 arrest.

Lewis was arrested last week on a single charge of child solicitation for having an illicit conversation in December with another undercover Ohio officer conducting a separate sting.

This is either one of the most clueless cops around, or else his pedophiliac lust gets so great it overwhelms all reason. Guess it doesn't have to be either/or, come to think of it.


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