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Don't miss this

Chief Justice and Hoosier native John Roberts might be too controversial for Butler University, but he's apparently just fine for Indiana University. On April 7, he'll become the third justice -- but the first chief justice -- to give the annual James P. White Lecture on Legal Education:

Attendance at the lecture is by invitation only. There will be limited overflow seating in room 385 of Inlow Hall at 530 West New York Street and a reception in the Conour Atrium after the lecture. The lecture will also be Webcast live through a link on the law school's Web site at indylaw.indiana.edu.

Cool, very cool; I wish more things like this were available through live Webcasts. And I hope he discusses something we can all argue about -- such as original intent vs. literalism or whether "states' rights" is still a valid concept -- rather than just continuing his sniping feud with Barack Obama.


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