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WANE-TV had an interesting piece last night on the 700 or so new GM employees who will be starting at the plant. Some of the people who have been working for GM elsewhere in Indiana are taking a wait-and-see attitude about moving here:

"This is my first day so I'm trying to get a feel of it to see what its going to be like" Mike Eley said.

Eley is a lifelong resident of Muncie who worked at the GM Manual Transmission Plant which closed in 2006. He's been looking for work ever since.

"I really haven't made up my mind yet whether I'm going to drive back and forth or move up here" Eley said.

Eley says he'd leave behind his grandkids and elderly parents to make the move - but coudn't turn down the job.

"There's a lot we have to figure out yet" Eley said.

That's a dilemma that it's reasonable to mull over for a while. Muncie is close enough so that the commute isn't a killer one but far enough away that the driving can start to be a grind. A lot of us have wrestled with similar choices. I lived in Marion for a couple of years and commuted to Ball State. The 45-minute drive wasn't that bad, but being on the road 90 minutes a day started to wear me down after the first year.

Some people, though, make what seem like outrageous commuting decisions:



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