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Snow foolin'

Now we know who in the General Assembly are not tough:

There was plenty of tongue-in-cheek name-calling directed Thursday at members of the Indiana Senate, which canceled its scheduled business because of snow.

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A day later, their snow day was the running joke around the Statehouse, where the Indiana House -- and the vast majority of Central Indiana schools -- carried on business as usual.

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That's why we make the big bucks," Rep. Jeff Espich, R-Uniondale, said with a smile. "They're wusses."

Or as Rep. Jerry Torr, R-Carmel, put it: "They're wimps. I just don't get it."

I don't blame the senators for being cautious, though; I'm getting that way myself. When I was younger, I did supid stuff like driving from Wabash to Fort Wayne and Marion in blinding snowstorms to see relatvies. Now, there've been a mere few inches of snow, and I canceled my planned weekend trip to Indy to see my sister.

And we should all be thankful the Senate doesn't have the same rule imposed on schools by the state, that all snow days have to be made up at the end of the year.


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