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Deadly love

Steven R. Farrell, standing trial in Benton County on an accusation that he murdered his fiancee on the day they were to have been married, could have chosen his words just a bit more carefully:

The prosecution submitted as evidence a letter that Farrell wrote to a friend. In this letter, Farrell wrote that a second friend had given him a lot of ways "to do away with Christine."

When given the opportunity to respond to this letter, Farrell said, "I never wanted to kill her. I loved that woman to death."

Without that little slip, he might have gotten off since he's such a lovable character. He had sex with a minor relative of his fiancee, then called her because he felt guilty about it. He admits to having a gun in his hand when his fiancee confraonted him, but "he doesn't remember puttling the trigger. Ferrll claimed the gun went off when he fell." Yes, the old "gun went off when I fell"


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