There was an article in USA Today back in February noting that "destination branding" is back in vogue "as cities and states pursue image makeovers designed to help them stand out in the weak global economy." Somebody at the Goshen Chamber of Commerce seems to have read the piece or one like it and gone off the marketing deep end. The chamber wants to create a "community brand" that will bring in businsses and shoppers and "expand the local tax base." But it apparently forgot the part about attracting people by being a nice community of happy people. City leaders are being bombarded by complaints from citizens who fear the campaign will mean dropping the nice little nickname they've grown to love -- "the Maple City." Get this reaction:
Chamber of Commerce President David Daugherty told The Goshen News the campaign will include about eight months of research, including interviews with residents and visitors. The result will be a branding campaign that includes a logo, color palette and suggestions on how to market the brand.
[. . .]
Daugherty said “Maple City” or the image of a maple leaf could be included in the new brand if the research shows it's needed.
Wow. If "eight months of research" shows the Maple City slogan is "needed," it "could" be included somewhere in that new logo and color palette. So shut up, you little people, and let your betters get on with their important work.