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Stalled in the fast lane

Just in case we're not sick enough of all the "politics as driving" metaphors (Republicans are the ones who put us in the ditch! If you're heading toward a cliff, you should change directions!), we now have another one:

— U.S. Rep. Brad Ellsworth on Tuesday compared his political career to his law enforcement past.

"When someone picked up the phone and called 911, the dispatcher did not say, 'Are you Republican or Democrat, rich or poor, black or white, gay or straight?'" the former Vanderburgh County sheriff told the Evansville Rotary Club.

"You just went; you drove out there.

Ellsworth, the 8th District congressman and Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, said the country is calling 911 and asking for help, especially in job creation.

But, he said, media coverage of partisan gridlock in Washington too often overshadows that problem and others.

He called for a bipartisan approach.

No thanks. I'd much rather have gridlock than the "bipartisan approach" that has led to the monstrosity we now have as the federal government. And when I call 911 because my house is on fire, I don't want the arsonist showing up.


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