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"About the same as everybody else" isn't exactly a ringing endorsement:

 Colleges and universities in Indiana are achieving results in student retention, degree and certificate completion, and graduation at a rate similar to comparable institutions around the country, according to a report on school performance released today. The study was commissioned by the Chamber of Commerce and funded by the Lumina Foundation. But with the current economic climate, the chamber and Commission for Higher Education will be pushing schools to continue to find the most efficient ways to use resources, according to a release.

[. . .]

Overall, the report found Indiana public institutions' performance to be average in cost per degree and productivity. But the report also found institutions in the state giving a lower number of associate degrees and certificates than other Midwestern states. These degrees and certifications could be in high demand in the future, particularly in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math, according to the study.

And then there is this story about another report:

A new report on work and employment in Indiana says the future is in middle-skill jobs.

 Indiana Institute for Working Families analyst Sarah Downing says these jobs require more than a high school diploma, but less than a four-year degree.

[. . .]

Downing says middle-skill jobs make up the largest segment of the Indiana economy and there are projected to be 487,000 openings in these fields by 2016.

Can everybody say "Hmmmmm"?

Posted in: Hoosier lore


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