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Why do they call it "rush" hour?

Indiana hits the big time. Indianapolis is toying with a traffic-relief measure being used already in several large cities - paid express lanes to move things along:

There would be no toll booths, with payments made through prepaid, electronic scanners. Federal money would pay for most of the project.

The cost to drivers would vary depending on how congested the free lanes were at the time, but the average cost would be about $1 each way. Reaction from drivers is mixed.

But I love this from the comments: "This effin city, which I love, needs to stop acting like LA, Chicago, Miami, Dallas or New York. We DO NOT have a traffic PROBLEM around here. Twenty minute delays? Are you kidding me? That's nothing but a small inconvenience." It's all realtive (there's your brilliant insight of the day). I used to complain about Indiana traffic until the first time I got caught in a rush hour in Chicago. There isn't enough money in the world to get me to endure that kind of traffic every day.

Posted in: Hoosier lore


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