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Whenever I visit my brother in Hill Country, I catch up on Texas politics. One thing that's always amazed me is that its legislature meets only every two years. Only three other states -- Montana, North Dakota and Nevada -- still have biennial legislative sessions. States began opting for the biennial system in the 19th century when travel as more difficult, and as recently as 1940, only four states had legislatures that met every year. Though the Indiana General Assembly meets yearly, it enacts a two-year budget, so what's the point of the off-year session except to pass laws we don't need and collect the per diem?

Imagine having a whole year off when we didn't have to worry about our lives, liberty or property? What an increase in our peace of mind! And how about the Texas model for the whole country?

When asked if respondents believed they would be better off, worse off, or no different if Congress were in session every other year, the most common response at 42% was no different. 36% of Americans thought they would be worse off and 16% said they would be better off. This also indicates that if Congress were to meet every other year, 58% believe there would be no difference or that the country would be better off.

Sounds like a winner. Of course, we'd have to allow Congress to meet in special session during the off year if there were an emergency, like having to look into steroid use in professional sports or take expert testimony from TV comedians.


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