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Another Facebook folly

Drew Stith of Wabash doesn't like the 5 Hour Energy drink, even though he works for Living Essentials, the company that makes it. His problem is that he said so on Facebook and even "liked" a page called "5 Hour Energy Sucks." He is just stunned that his company would think that's a big deal:

Stith said he made a post on the page about a month ago and then, last week, he got called into the main office.

“I was pretty shocked,” he said. "They had printed off my homepage, my facebook page, also with the '5 Hour Energy Sucks' (page),” he explained. “I just didn't understand just because I don't like their product, that shouldn't matter."

Well, duh, it does matter. Even in the caveman days before the Internet, let alone Facebook, we knew enough to be careful about badmouthing the companies that employed us. There are even numerous proverbs that cover the subject: Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Don't air your dirty laundry in public. Don't tell tales out of school. Is the digital era just allowing us to be stupid faster?


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