This is supposedly a business-friendly state, but we could do better. According to the Small Business Survival Index 2011, Indiana ranks 20th when it comes to policy environments for entrepreneurship. Next-door Ohio does better at 7th. Kentucky is 22nd, and Michigan comes in at 29. Illinois, predictably, is in the bottom 15 at No. 40. What does it take to make it to the top 15?
It's very much worth highlighting that five of these states - South Dakota, Nevada, Texas, Wyoming and Washington - impose no personal income, individual capital gains, corporate income, and corporate capital gains taxes. That's good news for entrepreneurship and investment, and they combine for a huge competitive advantage.
In addition, thirteen of the top fifteen states impose no state death taxes. That's a plus for family businesses and investors.
And since taxes ultimately tie back to the size of government, ten of these top fifteen states rank in the top half of the states in terms of per capita state and local government spending.
Somebody should make sure every state legislator gets a copy of the report before the General Assembly session starts.