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Regarding Rupert

When someone seeks office as a third-party candidate, there is always the chance he's just doing it for a hoot and isn't really delusional about his chances of winning. But what do you say about a college newspaper that seems to take his candidacy seriously?

On Saturday, reality television star, Rupert Boneham, formally announced that he will be vying for the Libertarian Party's nomination in the upcoming election for Indiana governor.

Although Boneham's personality won over TV audiences and his heart is in the right place, he needs to exhibit more seriousness and experience before voters can take him seriously.

[. . .]

He needs to show competence in planning for Indiana issues because he will not win an election by relying purely on charm.

So, if he shows "competence in planning for Indiana issues" and exhibits "more seriousness and experience," voters will take him seriously? And then what, he gets 1.3 percent of the vote instead of 1.2? "He will not win an election by relying purely on charm"? Rats, who knew? Guess there goes my shot at the mayor's office.


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