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Bad medicine

Stay outta here, hippie scum, and putcher maryjuaaana where the sun don't shine:

Indianapolis airport police say they'll destroy medical marijuana seized from a breast cancer patient from California who was boarding a flight.

[. . .]

A police report says the 36-year-old woman from Van Nuys, Calif., told police she has breast cancer and showed them a medical card confirming that she was prescribed the marijuana.

Authorities told her that while it was legal to possess and smoke medical marijuana in California it's illegal to do so in Indiana. The woman was not charged and police said they intend to destroy the marijuana.

Incidents like this will increase the pressure on those resisting medical marijuana laws, I think. I'm finding the evidence against the concept less and less convincing. The closest thing to a compelling argument is that a lot of people abuse the law, getting marijuana prescribed for all sorts pretend "ailments." But that's a reason to prevent fraud, not kill the idea. One of the weaker arguments against giving people with mental illness insurance benefits equal to those enjoyed by people with physical illnesses has been that people can fake mental illness and get benefits they don't deserve. People fake back injuries, too.

At least they didn't arrest the breast-cancer patient. That would have pushed public acceptance of medical marijuana up five points overnight.


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