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The latest Mitch pitch

Does this seem unlikely to anybody but me?

INDIANAPOLIS — Since he decided against running for president in May, Gov. Mitch Daniels has given more interviews on national television than when he still was considering a run.

Although he has said no to the top of the presidential ticket, he has not ruled out running for vice president.

Daniels ruled out a presidential run because of his family's objections, supposedly because it would have required a total commitment of time and energy and because it would have subjected all of them to too much media scrutiny. But do vice presidential candidates get to devote less time to the pursuit than the presidential candidates? And do they undergo less scrutiny? Let's ask Dan Quayle about that one.

It's also premature to talk about who would make a good vice president since a big part of the formula is what kind of balance is needed to round out the ticket. We need to know the No. 1 before we argue about No. 2.


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