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The Klan is a detestable organization, but surely this isn't the way to go after them:

The Ku Klux Klan sued the prosecutor and sheriff of Rush County, Indiana to fight a littering citation. The Klan claims it was not littering, but distributing leaflets door to door to promote itself "as a fraternal and law abiding organization that works to uphold Christian values."
     Represented by the ACLU in Indianapolis Federal Court, the Klan claims it leafleted houses door to door in neighboring Shelby and nearby Hancock Counties without any problem. But leafleting in the same way in Rush County, a sheriff's sergeant told Klansmen to pick up all the leaflets from the driveways, gave a littering ticket to the Klan leader of Indiana, and told him that he could be charged with a separate count of littering for each flyer if his members did it again.

Interpreting "littering" this way ranks right up there with jaywalking and spitting on the sidewalk as law used to harass enemies rather than serve a legitimate public safety function. Most of the time, they are ignored, and when they are deployed, most people really know what's going on, and the cynicism about the law increases accordingly. That's too high a price to pay to shut of


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