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Campbell is not coming

He is not going to come, according to General Manager David Franke, for two reasons. There is an undisclosed injury that would have kept him out of the first three games anyway, and his wife had surgery on Monday and he'd prefer to stay with her.

Because he did not sign, the UHL is rescinding the Komets' pick and they will keep David Frawley. Campbell will be a free agent going into next season.

Now for my thoughts on this. I don't think they were overpromising, it just didn't work out. I truly believe that on Tuesday they thought he was coming, and I think he wanted to come initially. I know for a fact that he has a small injury and his wife did have surgery this week. Life happens. The way I look at it, they took a chance on Campbell that they weren't going to take on anyone else with another pick. If there was someone else, they had three other picks to take them. It was worth a gamble, and nothing is hurt by him deciding not to come.

Knowing Eddie as I do, he was not trying to deceive anyone, either. I'm betting his wife asked him to stay, and who can argue with that? Would any of you married guys dare? LOL.

The Komets will be fine. So Troy Neumeier, Ryan Jorde, Rob Guinn and Guy Dupuis play four minutes extra per game than the two they were already going to go. Neumy and Guinn are used to playing 35 minutes in the playoffs anyway, and I'm sure Guy is as well. I still think P.C. is the biggest key to this playoff run anyway.

How about that great Luke Sellars that people were gnashing their teeth over. What a steal he was, huh?

Posted in: Komets


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