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What coach had to say

We were bad. It's right between the ears. Did we look like our team tonight?

We had a great week of practice working on our systems and then come gametime you barely see them.

I don't know how anybody can have an effective game when it's one penalty after the next. Three power plays in a row for them, and then three power plays in a row for us. It's like your tongue is still dragging on the ice from the penalty kills to get on the power play. How are you supposed to make anything of your power play when you've been on the ice for six minutes straight?

It would be nice if we didn't put ourselves in that position. At the start of the game we're not ready so we're not skating so we have to hook people and hold people and trip people. I just thought we were bad.

ON FRENCHY: It certainly wasn't his fault tonight. That's why I get irritated when it's this team and it's a gimme. We're not a set of superstars that can just go out there and win on our talent. We win with focus and discipline and execution. That's not to say there's not some skill out there because there is, but if you don't do the things to put yourself in position to showcase your skills for your skill to come out, we're not a team that can go out there and create. That's what happened tonight. We scored a goal early in the game...

It's just disappointing. I just hope that we bounce back tomorrow with a better effort. We killed penalties great. We took penalties all night long and we killed them off. There's a highlight, a positive. Some guys just were awful and didn't help the cause. That's what hockey is. One guy's out there not helping the cause, the whole thing breaks down.

Posted in: Komets


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