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Some fun stuff

This comes to us from long-time Komets fan Bill Hudson who has gone all-Chris Berman on this year's roster. Some of these are quite inspired.

Guy Dupuis Are the Champions, my Friends.

Mike KingDombkiwicz for a horse

Mario Larocque breaks scissors

Adam Kate Blanchette

J.F. Labarre is
open for business

Martin Unleaded Gascon

King Arthur Kiyaga

Miller Genuine Draft

David Hukalo Berry Hound

Bogdan and take it like a
man Rudenko

Dan McWhinney Place or Show

Roger Moore as The St. Pierre

Daniel Don't Goneau

Vorhees A Jolly Good Fellow   

Which led me to remember when we used to do this as a contest.

Dave Grand Gagnon
Peter Peter puck eater Sidorkiewicz

Yves Hogan's Heroux

Jergus Chew Baca
Igor No, that's I-gor Malykhin
Colin Not by the hair of my chinny, chin Chin
Carey I love Lucyk
Kory Come a little Kocur
Steve Better fetch a stretcher Fletcher
Ralph My Sharona Barahona
Bob Bagels Lakso
Serge Isosceles Tri- Anglehart
Robin Woof, woof Bawa
Guy Scooby Dooby Dupuis
Kelly Children should be seen and not Hurd
Scott Don't be Gruhl

Peter No scor- Ing
Ian Let's hear it for the Boyce
Jeff Tootsie Rohlicek

Scott Burfoot barefoot in the park

Anybody have any others they'd like to add?

Posted in: Komets


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