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No problem

Today's entry for the "If there is no solution, there is no problem" file: A Fort Wayne man, in a letter to the Indianapolis Star, complains about Indiana's political image:

To be titled as a red state or blue state has its disadvantages. Indiana has been seen as a Republican stronghold or a red state. Every political party considers that Indiana will always go Republican. This works to the detriment of the state's economy, as no big political spending fights between contesting parties infuse money into local economies purchasing newspaper ads, radio or television time as they do in Ohio or other "battleground states."

There is some truth to this claim, but the label is there for a reason: More people here vote Republican. Do we, A) Try to get people who vote Republican to vote Democratic in violation of their political preferences or, B) Try to get the press to quit reporting that more people vote Republican? I am sure I suffer on occasion because I'm called a selfish, libertarian cave man, but I cannot change people's desire to label me and have no intention of ceasing to be a selfish, libertarian cave man. See? No solution, no problem.


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