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The news is on the road

The news just keeps getting more and more depressing for print journalism:

The Chronicle-Tribune will print its newspaper in Indianapolis beginning in mid-January when it shuts down its Marion presses and ends its commercial printing business, a move that will idle 41 full and part-time employees.

All other operations, including news and advertising, will remain at the downtown Marion newspaper office at Sixth and Adams streets, where 75 employees will continue to work after January.

So the newspaper will be printed in Indianapolis, then trucked back to Marion, to compete with all the other media that can offer nearly instantaneous news. How's that for a perfect example of how technology changes things? The interesting thing is what this says about the delivery platform all newspapers still must deal with -- that printing change won't even affect the Chronicle-Tribune's 6 a.m. delivery time.

I went through a long period of not watching any TV news, but lately, I've been watching more of the 6 p.m. local news. It's the fastest way to catch up on things that have actually happened that same day.

Posted in: Hoosier lore


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