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Will strip for charity

The shameless exploitation of prurient interests continues in the Indiana Heartland:

FARMLAND -- The seven members of the now famous Farmland Bridge Club who last year bared it all to support saving the Randolph County Courthouse have lured a supporting cast -- of mostly men -- in front of the camera for an encore calendar.

The ladies, who range in age from 78 to 95, were a big but controversial hit in their first effort. About 4,600 copies of the 2006 Courthouse Girls calendar were sold, said organizer Larry Francer, a Farmland businessman, and $5 from each copy was put into an account to save the building. Between that money and more proceeds that benefited Historic Farmland USA, the calendar raised $46,000.

Maybe we should raise money here by having the sexiest journalists pose naked while reading newspapers strategically placed. But then what would we do for the other 11 months?

Oh, I know -- bloggers holding laptops.

Posted in: Hoosier lore


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