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PETA party

On the way home last night, I had WOWO on the radio, and Pat White was all over the PETA cockroach story. It's stupid, it's silly, and wouldn't you like a yummy cockroach, perhaps dipped in chocolate, and, boy, isn't PETA just out there?

Cockroaches have feelings too!

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals want all Six Flags theme parks, including the one in Massachusetts, to exterminate an upcoming cockroach-eating extravaganza.

  “Cockroaches have been given a bad (reputation) in our society,” said PETA spokeswoman Jackie Vergerio. “They are gentle, complex animals.”

Which means PETA has scored again. There were already almost 200 stories about this on Google news when I checked last night. I'm sure it was on radio stations all across the country, and I can just imagine editorial writers getting all cranked to express wry amusement or high dudgeon, depending on their moods, at PETA's latest lunacy. And that, folks, is the PETA plan. Every time they come out with an announcement that is outrageous or over the top, they get the same reaction, which adds up to tons of free publicity that millions of dollars in marketing and advertising couldn't achieve.

If I had a cause I wanted in the public eye, I'd hire whoever does this kind of stuff for PETA. They are nothing short of brilliant.

Posted in: Current Affairs


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