Here's something so dumb it sounds like something I would do:
A $1 million winning Powerball ticket sold in Jeffersonville six months went unclaimed after the deadline for presenting it passed Monday, the Hoosier Lottery said.
Here's something so dumb it sounds like something I would do:
A $1 million winning Powerball ticket sold in Jeffersonville six months went unclaimed after the deadline for presenting it passed Monday, the Hoosier Lottery said.
I say we should have a day of mourning or at least a moment of silence:
CROWN POINT, Indiana — People who live or work in northwestern Indiana's Lake County will soon find their paychecks a little smaller as the state begins collections for the last of the state's 92 counties to impose a local income tax.
I appreciate the sentiment, but I won't hold my breath:
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Democratic schools Superintendent Glenda Ritz is promising greater transparency as she begins work on a new school grading formula.
North Carolina is my new favorite state:
RALEIGH, N.C. — At the moment, seven states across the country don’t levy a tax on income, and North Carolina Republicans want to make it eight, according to a powerful member of the state legislature.
Inmates made obscene gestures? Whoda think it?
MUNCIE, Indiana — A large jail in central Indiana now has a frosted film over its cell windows after years of troubles with inmates communicating and sometimes making obscene gestures to people outside.
Well, we don't have to do what Idaho did:
A recent decision by the Idaho Supreme Court could help a region woman partially blinded after being struck by a foul ball at a 2009 RailCats game convince the Indiana Supreme Court to allow her to sue the baseball team.
A judge inadvertently blurts out the truth:
A court says local judges can't pick and choose which criminal records can be expunged from an individual's record under a new state law.
A couple of months ago, Minnesota tacked an andditional $1.50 per pack sin tax on cigarettes. Smokers in that state near the North Dakota border took the rational option of going across the state line to buy their smokes at much cheaper prices. This is one "laboratory of democracy" lesson other states should heed (and luckily most of our leaders here seem to get it):
When you hear that Gary, IN, has a dozen homes for sale for $1 each, you might be inclined to dig into your wallet and ask, “Will you take a 10-spot for the whole lot of them?” But these home aren’t available to just anyone with four quarters to rub together, so nearly 94% of interested buyers have been turned away.