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Hoosier lore

Less scary, more fun

I'm reminded of Woody Allen for some reason:

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- "Sexploration at IU," a weeklong series of events that offer Indiana University students information about sexuality related issues in a fun, interactive and positive way, begins on the IU Bloomington campus on Monday (Oct. 20). The event is sponsored by the IU Health Center's Health & Wellness Department.

[. . .]

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Polling the obvious

This should not be a shock to anybody except the politicians who still think we are all out here desperately seeking "comprehensive" reform:

 A new statewide poll found overwhelming support for stricter penalties on employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants.

The WISH-TV Indiana Poll released Wednesday night found 71 percent favored such penalties, while 19 percent opposed them and 10 percent were unsure.

Damn Bambi

More deer plus greater urban sprawl equals be careful out there:

State Farm Insurance says deer-vehicle collisions in Indiana are up 24 percent from five years ago. That compares with a 15 percent increase over the entire United States.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Early and often, Part 3

The "early voting" sites are opening in Gary, East Chicago and Hammond after a back-and-forth court battle, and shame on Lake County Republicans for trying to make it a little tougher on the predominating Democrats in those cities. Sometimes partisanship is called for, and sometimes it isn't. But also shame on the Democrats and their hyperbolic sputtering:

Wandering Jill

Moderator: What was the most significant setback in your life?

Mitch Daniels: I was arrested when I was young and spent a night in jail. That taught me the value of owning up to your mistakes.

Jill Long: We almost lost the family farm in the 1980s, but we persevered, and that's why Daniels has been a terrible governor.

Where the sidewalk ends

You know the old "give 'em inch and they'll take a mile" warning. University officials in Indianapolis have discovered the "give 'em the sidewalk and they'll take the buildings" corollary:

Students at a downtown Indianapolis university are encouraged to use chalk to express their political views, but when those messages move from the sidewalks to the sides of buildings, that constitutes vandalism, school officials said.

Outside thinking

The General Assembly passed a measure session before last that allows almost any unit of local government to "reorganize" with almost any other unit. Mostly, it's been ignored by officials who like things fine just the way they are.  But in West Lafayette, Mayor John Dennis and West Side Schools Superintendent Rocky Killion are enthusiastically embracing change:

It's a lock

When discussing difficult public issues, we sometimes overlook the most obvious answers. Scott Newman, Indianapolis' public safety director, notes that more than 6 percent of that city's 14,163 felony arrests last year were of people who already had an unresolved misdemeanor or felony case:

60 minutes

Memo to the Indianapolis Colts:

See, isn't it a lot more fun to play a whole game the way you played in the last quarter of the Houson game? Try to remember that if you make it to the playoffs.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Early and often, continued

No, sir, we didn't need that mean-spirited photo-ID provision for voters, which was just a nasty Republican plot to keep honest, hard-working, downtrodden Democratic voters from exercising their franchise:
