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Hoosier lore

Gym dandy

State Sen. Dennis Kruse has intoduced a lot of oddball and meddlesome education bills in this session of the General Assembly. Finally he hits on one that's not a bad idea:

Doctors and fitness experts agree that the more you move, the healthier you are.

State Sen.Dennis Kruse (R-District 14) said that’s the principle behind his proposed legislation.

Beware the vigilante shutterbugs

Boy, the General Assembly seems to be suffering from a severe case of -- what shall we call it? -- vegephobia. First, there was the bill to make the "right to hunt, fish and farm" a constitutional right. Now there's this:


At any rate

What's your sign?

Hunting down the whole story

So I've been reading these stories about the silly "right to hunt, fish and farm" amendment for the Indiana constitution, and they all say that if the General Assembly approves it, there will be a voter referendum next year, and I keep thinging, but wait a minute, amedments have to go through two legislative sessions before making it to a refrendum. What the heck's going on?


Boy, I dunno:

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) - A congressman from northeastern Indiana is sponsoring a bill that would allow people who legally carry a concealed weapon in their home state to do the same in other states that allow concealed weapons.

Face it

I don't get it:

Rescuers are hoping to find a home for a poodle shih-tzu who's pleading gaze resembles that of a human face.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Waiting on John and Anthony

And keep it off my lawn, too



The rules of the road could change for moped drivers in the Hoosier state.

Indiana House Bill 1523 sets strict rules for using mopeds. It creates a new moped license, would require that mopeds be registered and users would have to pay registration fees, along with state and county taxes.

Then and now

Educattion reformer Michelle Rhee on why she broke with fellow Democrats to beicome a strong advocate for vouchers:
