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Hoosier lore

Charlie in Wonderland

Yes, Charlie, it sounds exactly like that:

Amid all the speculation about whether U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh might be picked to be Sen. Barack Obama's running mate, at least some pundits are saying not to count out another prominent Hoosier -- Republican Sen. Richard Lugar.

Milking the gax-tax issue

Hey, that would make a pretty good slogan for Jill Long Thompson, wouldn't it? "A gallon of milk in every fridge, and a bowl of cereral on every table!":

When asked what she would do to offset a $120 million hit on the state budget, Thompson simply said that savings could be found over time. But Hoosiers were hurting now, she said, and Daniels should act.

Victory gardens

Everything old is new again:

Many claim that food prices are causing people to dust off their green thumbs, but whatever the reason, gardening is in.

The impact has been felt at seed companies nationwide and at area garden centers.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported in early June that W. Atlee Burpee & Co. had doubled its seed sales this year. The seed company, which started in 1876, has struggled in recent years as modern families moved away from growing their own food.

Grow up

Indiana's most tiresomely predictable liberal columnist is aghast that his beloved O, having secured the primary, now seems to be pandering to the Hussein-hating "relentless right."

Bang, you're outta here

Kinda touching but kinda creepy, too:

Meredith Smith takes part in his final fireworks show Thursday night.

Smith died in February at the age of 74. For nearly 40 years, he was in charge of the fireworks displays for his north side Indianapolis neighborhood and the White River Yacht Club.

About a half-teaspoon of Smith's ashes will be placed in a fireworks shell that will create a white burst in the sky for the finale of the annual show.

I hear dead people!

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Legal doesn't mean smart

I've frequently posted about dumb laws. Here's a Web site devoted entirely to that subject. Just a quick scan of the opening page gave me this favorite:

I  just received this email from a staffer in the U.S. Senate:

Hunker down

There is some good advice in this Indianapolis Star editorial, but the overall tone seems to be, "Just give up and go with it."

A Friday holiday makes any weekend a great time to get away, but we recommend that you forego travel and stay near home to celebrate the Fourth of July.

Need a reason? We'll give you three.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

People love fireworks

Hoosier Hooligans, happily corrupting hapless Illinois hicks:

To shoot fireworks legally, a person must attend training at a local fire department and pass a safety and knowledge test. They must also apply for a site inspection by the fire department and apply for a permit issued by their local government.

William Weimer, vice president of Phantom Fireworks, said people from Illinois will continue to get fireworks in Indiana despite what the law says.

Six down, 44 to go

Thank goodness for small favors. The feds are going to give us a little leeway on education:

Six states are getting the OK to write their own prescriptions for ailing schools under the Bush administration's signature education law.

Happy to do my part

The state, the headline says, is "seeking input" from citizens on this:

According to its testimony and exhibits in this case, I&M is seeking an additional $125.6 million in annual operating revenues from its Indiana customers through a base rate increase.

OK. No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!

Glad I could help.
