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Hoosier lore

Robert rules

Who in the world could be against the Golden Rule?

A resolution that established the golden rule among other procedures at Muncie City Council meetings passed Monday by a 5-4 vote.

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Two stories in one

What a strangely constructed story this is. Roughly the bottom two-thirds hints around at the truth about ethanol, which is that it is a "solution" that will make things far worse:

Still blue here

Congratulations, Hoosier lawmakers. South Carolina is now less backward than Indiana:

For the first time in Columbia, stores were able to sell beer and wine on Sundays. Some people didn't waste anytime getting in line to buy.

"You might want to sit back, watch a game or something and drink a nice cold one. Sales will be picking up," said Dennis Best.

Not a good year for the inevitable

The Indianapolis Star's Matthew Tully likes Jill Long Thompson's chances:

At the start, Schellinger got support from the likes of Mayor Bart Peterson (before he was tossed from office) and U.S. Rep. Julia Carson (before she died, of course). Indiana Democratic Party honchos claimed neutrality, but behind the scenes they backed Schellinger. Some even went to work for him.

Bad sign

Welcome to our city -- the school superintendent sucks!

Billboards can be helpful to visitors to a community, but Mayor Chuck Oberlie is sure a billboard on U.S. 20, between Skip's Cascade Mountain and Swan Lake Memorial Gardens, is not so helpful.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Jim and Jill



OK, I've seen Jim Schellinger's and Jill Long Thomson's ads, and they are both too folksy and charming for words. I am heartened to learn that both candidates come from such "humble" beginnings. Jill grew up on the family farm and was the first in her family to go to college. Jim "worked nights" to put himself through college.

40 years ago

"But the vast majority of white people and the vast majority of black people in this country want to live together, want to improve the quality of our life and want justice for all human beings who abide in our land."

Mischievous intent

This is just stupid:

Indiana's Democratic chairman said his party is ready to challenge the votes of any lifelong Republicans who attempt to vote as Democrats in the May 6 primary.

Indiana Democratic Party Chairman Dan Parker said he is concerned Republicans may try to cast crossover votes to skew results in the close presidential primary between U.S. Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Death with dignity

Now we know -- the fussbudget rulemongers will follow us to the grave:

People in Michigan City are growing frustrated over updated cemetery rules.

The cemetery board recently approved the rules to crack down on over-decorating problems.

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After losing her daughter and grandson, Jean Hoopingarner finds comfort in decorating their graves.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

The last last straw

Thank God. Now we can get over this and move on:

Indiana University has reached an agreement with Tom Crean to become its next men's basketball coach.

IU trustee Phil Eskew confirmed the hiring tonight. Eskew said the Marquette coach has signed a letter of agreement.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports