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Hoosier lore


Gee, do ya think?

A Muncie city police officer may lose his job after an alleged joy ride with three Ball State University students. It did more than $10,000 worth of damage to his squad car, but it may do even more damage to his law enforcement career.

[. . .]

The write stuff

Our students suck, not to put too fine a point on it, and they suck the most at writing:

Despite ramped-up efforts to improve high school students' writing skills, the state's average writing SAT score still lags behind the national average by 11 points. 

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Good Knight!

Would you send your kid to play basketball under Bobby Knight?

He says:

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Economies of scale

Economist Morton Marcus, formerly associated with Indiana University, writes about the "overly simplistic" argument that government consolidation will bring cost saving, using libraries as an example:

 Public libraries are often cited as ripe for consolidation. There are 238 of them serving Indiana's 92 counties. Why is it that Huntington County has but one school district but four public libraries? Grant County needs eight libraries to serve its needs?

Just add water

The first energy crisis in this country was in the 19th century when the supply of whale oil, the chief source of artificial lighting, was, for a numer of reasons, no longer reliable. The problem disappeared with the discovery of petroleum. That's what we tend to do, let necessity drive us to a solution. The current energy crisis will be solved the same way, so maybe we should be trying to find ways to use oil up faster instead of conserving it.

In common

I presume Rose-Hulman wants to still be thought of as a great institution. But it buried this most relevant information in the seventh paragraph of its news release : "The freshman class' profile includes a 92.6 median class rank percentile, SAT median scores of 670 math/630 critical reading, ACT median scores of 32 math/28 English, 23 perfect math scores on the SAT or ACT, and 72 students ranked first, second or third in their graduating classes." It chose to lead with this:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Our turn for war

Hoosiers' "war on the property tax" makes the Los Angeles Times:

But when the bill arrived this summer, Hile's annual taxes were almost 200% higher than before -- an extra $3,000 a year. It's more than she can afford to pay.

Fat nation

How are we going to close in on No. 1 if we're going in the wrong direction?

We're still fat.

Indiana ranked ninth out of all states in the Trust for America's Health annual report of obesity in the United States.

And while Indiana fell a notch from last year, when it was tied for eighth, the percentage of overweight adults here rose slightly from 26.2 to 26.8, according to the report.

Burn, baby, burn

The Citizens Action Coalition is one of those groups that can always find lots of reasons to be against modern society and the energy it takes to fuel it; if it had been around at the end of the 19th century, it would have have been pushing buggy whips as the environmentally friendly wave of the future.

The big clean-up

Headline writers can be so helpful. Here is this nice, dull little story about the work of the Indiana Commission on Local Government Reform. The writer is trying to convey the idea that the commission will try to recommend steps that won't require constitutional changes:
