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Hoosier lore

In a moral muddle

OK, this is me being judgmental.

What can you say about (or to) a person who believes what she's decided is "morally wrong" but is going to do it anyway because the other options would leave her "worse off emotionally"? Sorry, kid, you could have had a life, but I would have felt so bad about having you and then giving you up.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Want to be full of spit?

See, there's a silver lining in every cloud, even if it's a killer cloud of tobacco smoke. Because Indiana has the second-highest percentage of smokers in the nation, we get to be a test site for this cool new product:

It's called Taboka, a smokeless, spit-less tobacco product wrapped in sheath netting. It's just days away from its national one-city debut in Indianapolis.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

In the course of Human Events . . .

Here's news Republicans will love to broadcast and Democrats will love to rally against. Mitch Daniels has cracked the Top 10 list of conservative governors as chosen by Human Events, the "national cosnervative weekly." Here's what the political editor said about Daniels:

Delay, delay, delay

The death-penalty appeal in this country has been so perfected that many people who are on death row have about as much chance of dying of old age as they do of the state actually carrying out the sentence. Now, in a case in which the resolution has been delayed for two and a half decades, the defense is using the delays ("some of which" he blames on the state) as reason for another appeal:

Reel estate

Make  no mistake. This isn't about "protecting the consumer" and making sure all services are delivered. It's a move to hold down competition, plain and simple:

A new state law will require Indiana real estate agents to provide a list of services that may seem like the basics to those who've bought and sold a home:

Answering questions, handling offers and counter-offers, and assisting with the transaction paperwork.

Leave the sparklers at home

I must confess: The first time I ever got my hands on a firecracker as a kid, I thought: tin can! Now that fireworks are legal in Indiana, I'd watch out this Fourth of July, is all I'm saying. I have to say, though, that this never occurred to me:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

The solution that's a problem

If I ever write an editorial like this one, saying that a problem is so complex that we don't have a clue, but somebody should just do something, take me out and shoot me:

Something must be done to make health care accessible to more Hoosiers.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Let the chips fall , etc.

This isn't exactly two mobs fighting for control of Chicago in the '20s, but, hey:

Two companies that partnered to run an Indiana casino are now in a legal fight, but the lawsuit likely will not affect Blue Sky Casino's scheduled opening in November, Indiana's top casino regulator said Monday.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Just give us ALL the facts

We could all expound on our pets gripes on one side or the other of this, but it seems like a non-issue to me -- the library is restricting circulation among "the homeless," not eliminating it, and there are lots of arrangements the shelters and library could make:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Illinois bumpkins

Coverage of our daylight-saving time convulsions, especially, by out-of-staters, would have had you believe that Hoosiers were the last hopeless dolts in the country who didn't understand the simple "spring forward, fall back" formula. But now that we've actually gone and adopted DST, there are apparently others who can't keep things straight:

Posted in: Hoosier lore