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Hoosier lore

Out of focus

Yet another Indiana city is having an identity crisis:

More than once in this space over the years we have described Evansville as a city with an identity crisis. Descriptions of the city have been many and varied — some complimentary, some not. There has been everything from collective complacency to fitness unfriendly, to a big small town and a good place to raise a family.

A regular guy

Peyton Manning is being praised for agreeing to a contract giving him a "mere" $18 million a year for five years -- the same as Tom Brady is getting! -- when he could have gone for more and become the highest paid player in the league:

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Unit glut!

The town of Merrillville in northwest Indiana has said it doesn't need any more stinkin' renters with their transient lifestyles and criminal tendencies and such:

Keep it here

Local control? What a concept!

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — The suggestion that Indiana lawmakers adopt a pay cap for school district superintendents doesn't seem to have much support.

The anti-hero

Eric Zorn of of The Chicago Tribune checks out the Indiana political landscape and discovers -- surprise, surprise! -- that not everyone in Indiana considers Gov. Mitch Daniels a political hero. Believe it or not, he manages to find a liberal editorial page, a left-leaning economist and the General Assembly's leading Democrat who are willing to say bad things about all the cuts made in state government. Who would have ever guessed?

A royal mess

Some county fairs in Indiana have stopped having competitions that result in a fair queen and/or king being crowned. Go ahead, guess why:

Any fair activity involving competition between 4-H members must be open to both boys and girls, said Renee McKee, assistance director of the Purdue Extension office.

Safe at home

I'd say it's time we all brushed up on our defensive driving. First, there is this, out of the Indiana Court of Appeals:

The Indiana Court of Appeals has reversed a man's conviction for operating a motor vehicle while suspended, saying the state didn't prove the moped he was riding was a motor vehicle under state law.

Dead heat

A toss-up?

A new poll conducted for the Club for Growth showed Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.) and his primary challenger, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock, in a statistical dead heat.

Education pays


Purdue students should commend their president for not asking for a raise in an economic downturn.

President France Córdova and the administration have made unpopular decisions to help the University save money, such as raising tuition. Faculty and staff also were asked to give up raises due to merit based pay. Those choices, however, do not compare to the ridiculousness of giving pay raises to the presidents of Ball State and Indiana University.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Dog days

Don't you just love fanatic fringe groups who hide behind respectable names?

Instead of grouping hot dogs with Mom and apple pie, a national medical group wants you to consider them as bad for your health as cigarettes.
