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Hoosier lore

Never give a scooter an even break

Shocking, simply shocking:

A Muncie man was arrested Sunday for driving a scooter intoxicated on Interstate 69.

Tobey E. Gaddis was spotted Sunday morning heading southbound on a scooter on I-69, when an Indiana State Police trooper pulled him over. Scooters and mo-peds are not allowed on the U.S. interstate systems.

Hard-boiled, Sweethe

This is the oddest business-expansion story I've seen in a while:

BOONVILLE, Ind. (AP) — A southern Indiana company that cooks hard-boiled eggs for restaurants, hospitals, universities and food manufacturers says its proposed $4 million expansion would allow it to become the world's top hard-boiled egg producer, turning out more than 1 million of the eggs a day.

A hero is born

The South Bend Tribune has one of those dreary stories not just defending and apologizing for those graffiti vandals who claim to be pursuing something noble but actually arguing for their nobility:

Despite the fact that, technically, he is defacing public property, he does not seem concerned about getting caught. His brushstrokes are quick but calm, and, when finished, he steps back to wipe his hands and admire his work.

Hide your stuff

An Indianapolis Star editorial correctly pinpoints a flaw in state law, but glosses over an even bigger problem:

Indiana's law, which allows authorities to seize money, cars and other property from arrested persons whether or not they wind up convicted or even charged, invites the abridgement of civil liberties because the assets fund the drug war.

Too big to go small?

It's an interesting question -- how big can you get and still successfully relate to the little guy?

INDIANAPOLIS — The day before he launched his campaign for governor, Rep. Mike Pence discussed what he said will be a strong grass-roots campaign.

What he wouldn't talk about were estimates he might raise close to $25 million in his bid to hold the governor's office for Republicans next year.

Pocket pool

For the "Robbing Peter to pay Paul does not butter Leo's bread" file:

Federal officials said Thursday that Indiana will be rewarded for having fewer errors in its food stamp program a year after the state was fined for making too many mistakes, including underpaying some food stamp recipients and overpaying others.

[. . .]

Corn dodgers

Has sanity visited the U.S. Senate?

Senate Republicans joined Democrats on Thursday in an overwhelming vote to end an important tax break for the ethanol industry, the first of many niche tax breaks GOP lawmakers are looking to close.

Missing link

The White House drug czar is trying to make a case for correlation that just isn't there:

A new federal report has found that more than two-thirds of Indianapolis men arrested last year were under the influence of at least one illegal drug.


Wednesday's National Drug Control Policy report showed that 69 percent of Indianapolis men arrested in 2010 tested positive for at least one drug at the time of their arrest.


Adult supervision

An American university trips and stumbles into the obvious:

Here is one simple step colleges can take to reduce both binge drinking and hooking up: Go back to single-sex residences.

Corn dogs

What is there to say? This is disappointing but not really surprising:

How is it that the party loudly proclaiming how the government shouldn't "pick winners and losers" could only manage to get 34 senators to oppose one of the most egregious examples of federal industrial policy?
