Poor Ted Haggard, having to confess to being a "deceiver and a liar" -- and who apparently had sex as well -- must now redefine the rest of his life, in public. But some good comes from all tragedy. His ordeal has had the positive effect of encouraging another unfortunate to confess who he really is:
Neil Patrick Harris is gay and wants to quell any rumors to the contrary. "(I) am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest," Harris tells People magazine's Web site.
Doogie is gay? I'm shattered. One of these days, I swear, we're going to hear from a gay Hollywood icon, who will confess that he's been secretly having sex with a woman for all these years and thinks George Bush is, all things considered, a pretty good president. It will really hit the fan then.
I get your point, but it seems unseemly to write about Doogie in the same post as Haggard -- because Doogie a) is cool; and b) hasn't expressed a particular interest in telling others how to live their lives.
Haggard is a raging hypocrite who chose to make a living telling other people how they should live their lives, and apparently couldn't even come anywhere near being able to follow his own advice.
I'm waiting for the day Fred Phelps is outed. I think it's inevitable...
Jeff, do you think he'll get outed before or after somebody kills him?