Pride of the U.S.A., made in China!
The controversy surrounding Team USA's Chinese-made uniforms for the Olympics opening ceremony raged Thursday as Washington politicians jumped into the fashion fray. They criticized the U.S. Olympic Committee for approving the uniforms.
Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the USOC should be "ashamed" that the blue blazers, white pants and berets that American athletes will wear are manufactured in China. "They should take all the uniforms, put them in a big pile and burn them," Reid said.
Other lawmakers also were critical of the apparel designed by Ralph Lauren. "You'd think they'd know better," House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said of the USOC.
I'm not all that exercized about the "made in China" part, but the things are hideous. The white pants and skirts soften the effect a little, but these uniforms look downright militaristic. Why are atheltes decked out in berets, for Pete's sake? Why do we need fancy uniforms for the opening ceremonies anyway? What's wrong with sweats containing USA insignias? This is such irritating nonsense!
Sorry. Little Andy Rooney moment there.
No problem. I loved Andy Rooney. And I agree with both of you.
Sen. Reid also offered up a more unorthodox suggestion that, at the very least, would make for an especially compelling Games: “If they have to wear nothing but a symbol that says USA on it, painted by hand, that is what they should wear.” ~The Slatest
Yeah, that's the ticket, baby! Wow - bring on our most memorable Olympics, evah!