I worked at McDonald's throughout much of my high school era, and a manager once told me I should seriously think about a career with the chain. Naturally, I dismissed such an absurd idea. Nell Pierce-Boykin of Stockbridge, Ga., was smarter and has just retired at 72 from Mickey D's:
Pierce-Boykin started her career at McDonald's in 1970 in Forest Park, and since 1984, has managed five different stores in the Southern Crescent. This past Wednesday, thanks to an enormous stroke of luck, she was able to retire after 39 years.
[. . .]
In the fast food business, which has a turnover rate of 300 percent, to have someone stay for 39 years kind of breaks all those records," he said. "She had a true following. When people found out that she was at different stores, they would make a point to go back.blockquote>
I could have had a following! To think I gave up all that for this.
Yeah, Leo...that's the last thing people OUR age need...
(btw, good SECOND choice on careers)