And you though Camelot died with Teddy Kennedy. To paraphrase the John Candy character in the movie "Splash," if something works, you might as well stick with it.
And you though Camelot died with Teddy Kennedy. To paraphrase the John Candy character in the movie "Splash," if something works, you might as well stick with it.
I thought 'Camelot' represented adult Kennedys romping through the White House rather than their kids. Now, a picture of Marilyn peeking from that door would be something worthy of our attention.
Yes, I much prefer the GOP cuttin'-brush-on-my-pretend-"ranch" photo op, myself. If something works, you might as well stick with it.
Maybe Ms. Nall prefers the picture of the Bill and Hillary's faked swimsuit dance with no music on a Virgin Island beach in 1998 . . . just before Bill gave his deposition on the Paula Jones sexual harassment case. Surely you remember, Nance . . . that was the lawsuit where the guy that you helped elect president made an out-of-court settlement for $850,000 while he was still in office.