Not in the running for Future Leaders of Indiana:
Three "bored" New Castle men face criminal charges over their alleged plan to bomb a homeless man's campsite in a wooded area behind a local church.
The men -- Brandon S. Bell, 21, 45 Stonegate Drive; Christopher J. Brinker, 21, 15 Stonegate Drive, and Robert M. Vaughn, 20, 112 Cherry St. -- were formally charged Tuesday with possession of a destructive device, a Class A felony carrying a standard 30-year prison term, and trespass, a misdemeanor.
[. . .]
The men told police they were bored, according to court documents, and admitted to going to the area specifically to harass the homeless man.
They first threw rocks to see if he was inside his tent and said they planned to ignite their homemade bombs -- a gas-soaked rag inside a glass jar and another rag inside a plastic dishwashing soap bottle -- just to create a spark and scare the man.
The sad thing is that these three clowns probably did mean just to scare the man. In their numb little minds, there is probably not the remotest concept of quickly their Molotov cocktail fun could turn deadly. "Bored and stupid
Sounds like we need a "Dean Wormer" moment...
"Fat, drunk & stupid is NO way to go through life, son"
Worked now.
Or at least it SHOULD be working.
I keep telling you,'s ALL about "entertainment" matter WHAT the cost and at ANY expense.
Many have lost touch with a LOT of their humanity.