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Opening Arguments

Cheese and whine

This is an abomination:

Sometimes a glass of white wine is not enough. Nor is a beer, an iced tea or a lemonade, though heaven knows few things are better than a tart lemonade in a beaded glass on a hot summer's day. ...

we want red wine. And how are we going to drink this red wine?

That's right, chilled! Cold, cool, brisk, whatever you want to call it, we are going to enjoy this red wine at a temperature that refreshes, restores and revitalizes even the most exhausted soul.

The only good thing to do with a "light-bodied, low-tannin wine" (the kind said to be best for chilling) is . . . well, there is no good thing to do with such a thing. Simple rule of life: white wine chilled, red wine room temperature. We ate at a Mexican restaurant Saturday night, and the only red wine they had was a burgundy (which is too heavy for this shiraz and cabernet drinker), and they served it ice cold. Ick.

And let the cheese you have with your warm, red wine come to room temperature, too. You're welcome.


Mon, 07/07/2008 - 9:40am

The "room temperature" rule came about in the middle ages, when room temperature was about 55-60 degrees -- which is also what most halfway-decent wine cellars/vaults are. Reds tend to fall apart when they get above 75 degrees, so a short stay in the fridge before the meal is nothing to get bunchy panties over, IMO.

Mon, 07/07/2008 - 10:22am

I'd like to know more about wine and be able to get indignant when it's done improperly. But, after the swill I lived on in college (See, e.g., Shaffer, Boones Farm, MD 20/20, Milwaukee's Beast, Old Swill, Natural Light, Goebbel, Midnight Dragon, etc. etc.), I can't really critique anybody.

Leo Morris
Mon, 07/07/2008 - 10:29am

Anybody can be a wine snob. It's at least as much fun as political snobbery. 75 degrees? C'mon. See "Cool it, Joe" post.

Bob G.
Mon, 07/07/2008 - 10:46am

Philly "rule of thumb" for wines
--If it's red (lambrusco) - 60-70 degrees is fine.
--White wine - a tad cooler unless it's a RHINE wine (closer to room temp for better bouquet). And for the sake drinkers - NEVER chill it...period!
--Rose`? Depends on the vineyard, usage (what you're eating) and personal desire.
In other words...whatever floats your boat.
--Anything that comes in a BOX, CAN, or can be had for $1.50 a GALLON - PALM TEMPERATURE (it'll never be making it home anyway).

How's that?


(prefers single malt scotch...temperature notwithstanding)

Leo Morris
Mon, 07/07/2008 - 10:49am

Palm temperature. Good one.

Harl Delos
Mon, 07/07/2008 - 5:39pm

Once it enters your mouth, it's going to quickly rise to 98.6F.

Unless, of course, you chug it down, instead of actually allowing it to remain in your mouth long enough to taste it.

It's 87F in Lancaster this afternoon. If you serve wine at 87F, it will "breathe" in your glass. If you serve it at 50F, those high notes will breathe in your mouth, instead.

So if you hate the taste of wine, serve it at room temperature. If you like the taste, keep it refrigerated, and let it come to temperature in your mouth.

(And if you decide to serve it at room temperature, might I suggest that you can save a bundle by making your own wine, and you don't even have to buy real juice - just add yeast to grape Kool-Aid. And don't get all uppity about the suggestion; after all, Jim Jones came from Indianapolis!)
